Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Green Canvas : The poster making competition
Save the trees, save the earth
We are the guardians of nature’s birth. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The significance of Deepavali is
 the removal of darkness and ignorance from the mind 
and filling it with goodness.........

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali!

Diwali is one Indian festival, which is celebrated by everyone, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It is celebrated to acknowledge the victory of good over evil. Earlier, Diwali celebrations meant decorations, performing traditional Lakshmi pooja, lightening of diyas in the evening and family get-togethers. However, with changing times, the style of celebrating Diwali has also changed drastically. These days, Diwali celebrations are all about bursting noisy fire crackers, which has subsequently imposed many negative effects on the environment, such as
  • Excessive air pollution
  • Excessive noise pollution
  • Soil pollution
  • Excessive power consumption

While most people are aware of these hazards, few take the initiative to do something about it. Here are some simple ways to celebrate this festival in an eco-friendly manner, yet keeping the spirits alive……

  • Prefer community celebration- this will ensure reduced air, noise and paper pollution
  • Time your celebrations for shorter periods
  • Opt for open grounds
  • Go for eco-friendly crackers or even better, no crackers! (Eco-friendly crackers are made up of recycled paper and the sound produced by these crackers is under the decibel limit defined by the Pollution Board. These crackers produce paper fluffers and different color lights instead of sound on bursting)
  • Go for traditional lightening of earthen lamps or diyas, instead of electrical lightening
  • Instead of buying “one-time use” items, go for recyclable things
  • While cleaning your home for Deepawali, instead of disposing things, it is better to give it to under-privileged people

So lets all enjoy the festival with full fervor and enthusiasm! However, let’s also take advantage and pride in being educated and aware citizens. Remember! Our actions of today, will decide the fate of our coming generations. A little concern from our side can help us to lead healthier and happier lives!

Wishing you a very Happy Diwali!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Few Simple Things YOU can do to Save the Earth!!!

  • Turn off lights before leaving the room 
  • Unplug appliances when not in use
  • Turn off the running tap when you brush your teeth
  • Carry cloth or re-usable shopping bags rather than plastic ones
  • Recycle newspapers, plastic, cans or glass whenever you can
  • Carpool or use public transport as much as possible
  • Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month
  • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy
  • Plant trees to shade your home
  • Copy and print on both sides of paper
  • Read e-books and save paper
  • Use recycled paper
  • Use discarded paper for scrap paper
  • Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously
  • Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently
  • Compost your vegetable scraps
  • Use refill bottles for water
  • Pay your bills online and save a tree

The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... 
                       had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands. 
 ~Havelock Ellis

Can Earth Be Earth?

© Garvit
Can earth be Earth when all it’s trees are gone,
And sudsy waters have become unfit,
And poisoned life no longer greets the dawn
With raucous sounds that death has caused to quit?
Will trees no longer wave, with limbs unfurled,
On hapless earth, that ever in orbit roams?
Will human ego sacrifice the world
To satiate its lust for pompous homes?
Will distant space look down on orb that’s bald.
I now can hear the mother say,
“I was once called Earth.
But now , bereft of mirth, I weep. 
That treeless orb’s no longer Earth”