Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Few Simple Things YOU can do to Save the Earth!!!

  • Turn off lights before leaving the room 
  • Unplug appliances when not in use
  • Turn off the running tap when you brush your teeth
  • Carry cloth or re-usable shopping bags rather than plastic ones
  • Recycle newspapers, plastic, cans or glass whenever you can
  • Carpool or use public transport as much as possible
  • Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month
  • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy
  • Plant trees to shade your home
  • Copy and print on both sides of paper
  • Read e-books and save paper
  • Use recycled paper
  • Use discarded paper for scrap paper
  • Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously
  • Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently
  • Compost your vegetable scraps
  • Use refill bottles for water
  • Pay your bills online and save a tree


  1. A good start and a good time too i hope people understand all d best

  2. Hey thnx yaar....
    I thnk v all knw dese thgs bt still sumtyms v need a remindr... or i sld say warning alarm... n having a glanc at future it feels lik ufff... is it too late or still dere is a ray of hope...???

    So nw stop thnkg n jus strt doing :)
    Thnx 4 d appreciation :)
